We have been here since the beginning…

University Opticians was started in 1967 by J.D. and Diane Wood, and has been serving Gainesville for over 55 years since.

J.D. opened the eyeglass shop with the dream of providing better quality glasses at a more affordable price. Having been started before the rise of chain stores, University Opticians was founded with the core value of providing a familiar and welcoming experience.

Diane started working as the office manager for the shop. She later became an optician and became known by many for her great frame selection and styling.

Diane also assisted writing the performance objectives and guides of the Florida Vocational-Technical Education Consortium of States, the guideline for optical education and licensing in those eleven states. She is a co-founder of CEDO, an independent continuing education organization now serving eight state optical licensing agencies. Diane has spoken at accredited programs on pediatric optics and lens applications for both CEDO and the University of Florida throughout the years.

Where it all takes place…

University Opticians isn’t located in your traditional outlet-store style building, but rather inside one of Gainesville’s beautiful historic homes.

When the Wood family was looking to relocate and expand the shop in 1972, they found a historical building a few streets away from where they originally opened. The building, having been built in 1899, happened to be the home of the first resident medical doctor in Gainesville, who had his practice in his home.